Let Me Kneel
Let me kneel upon
the Earth
Raise my eyes to
stormy skies
Let raindrops fall
and silent slide
Down these old
cheeks of mine.
Let me dig feeble
fingers into fecund
Mud and grime, the
fertile soil
Of Mother Earth.
Allow worms to
squirm and slip
Through wrinkled
fingers splayed
Let me sense the
snail’s slime
Or butterflies
breath and beating wings.
Let me wade in
oceans blue and white
Feel waves lap at
shoeless, happy feet
Let sand slip away
with each lapping wave
Let waters so
chill send tingling thrill
Through this
ephemeral body still.
Let me press my
forehead to kauri or miro tree
Bark to skin, sap
and sweat mingled free
Hongi now, we
share, we exchange our breath
Carbon, oxygen,
shared elements of time and space
Let me partake of
this endless, timeless cycle
Return and give, I
am because you live.
Let me stand with
storms and winds
Buffeted by
elemental eddies and vortices.
Let my hair be
blown now
Tussled, tangled
by timeless truth.
Let me lay in open
fields where shining sun
Warms and caresses
naked limbs
Let photons dance
and play
Synthesize with
every leaf of green
Let life emerge
and death dissolve.
Let me gaze with
mournful eye
Upon moon’s
reflected light, a monthly sight
Let stars
collapse, be born in galaxies
Far away, yet
close enough to share
Mystery, magic,
and myths of time.
Let me one final,
fruitful time
Kneel upon the
earth, my time to give
My closing gift,
my last offering
Let me lay, as all
will some day
Breath my last and
say farewell.