When I was 21 years old I read a number of
thought-provoking and transformative books. One of these was
Small Is
Beautiful by E.F. Schumacher.1 Published in 1973 Small Is
Beautiful is one of those books that had an enormous impact on a generation
that was beginning to realise the importance of environmental issues.
Now, fifty years on I have read it once more. How does
this re-reading today compare with fifty years ago? What has changed? Did my
initial reading really transform me? What did Schumacher have to say fifty
years ago that still applies today?
As the sub-title - A study of economics as if
people mattered – suggests, Schumacher was keen to examine, and possibly
retrieve, economics from the morass within which it had mired itself. Indeed,
is economics of any use at all was one of Schumacher’s questions:
(economics) cannot get beyond its vast abstractions, the national income, the
rate of growth, capital/output ratio, input-output analysis, labour mobility,
capital accumulation; if it cannot get beyond all this and make contact with
the human realities of poverty, frustration, alienation, despair, breakdown,
crime, escapism, stress, congestion, ugliness, and spiritual death, then let us
scrap economics and start afresh.”
Challenging words fifty years ago. No less challenging
today. Indeed, more so, if we consider the changes that have taken place over
the past fifty years.
Although not primarily a book about environmental
issues, Schumacher did have some apt observations to make. He noted that we are
part of nature, yet in our battle with nature even if we win the battle, we
will find ourselves “on the losing side.” He noted too that “nature
always knows where and when to stop,” yet we (humans) continue to act as if
economic growth can go on ad infinitum. Asking “what is enough?” Schumacher
claimed that the economist is not in a position to reply, for the economist has
no concept of enough.
Schumacher was keen to espouse ideas of appropriate
technology and small, decentralised economies and technologies. In championing
appropriate and small-scale technology he noted that our use of technology to
solve problems often only generated more, and worse, problems. Citing a
contemporary of his, Barry Commoner (an American biologist and ecologist) he
noted that “the new problems are not the consequences of incidental failure
but of technological success.”
Fifty years on and Schumacher’s warnings cannot be
consigned to history. Indeed, many of them have come to pass.
Furthermore, things have sped up and additional harms
and difficulties have come about. For example, when Schumacher was writing, the
terms global warming, the greenhouse effect, and climate change
had not entered our vocabulary. Nor had the basic cause of it all -overshoot.
In 1973 when Schumacher was writing his book, humanity was still operating
within the boundaries of one Earth. But only just! Within a year of publication
our consumption, waste, and pollution activities required more than one Earth
to cope. Fifty years later, at a global level, we require 1.7 Earths!! William
Catton’s ground-breaking book, Overshoot, was a decade in the future.2
Had Schumacher known the full magnitude of these,
would he have written a different book?
I suspect so. He would possibly have been more
strident in his criticism of technology. He would probably have put greater
emphasis upon our exploitation of nature and the Earth.
I doubt that he would have changed his mind about the underlying
ills of the world. He said it then, he is likely to have said it today, “We
are suffering from a metaphysical disease, and the cure must therefore be
metaphysical.” Indeed, he may have stressed this much more, and have
explored our metaphysical disease in greater depth.
Schumacher addresses our metaphysical disease not in
great depth. However, what he does say about this disease is worth listening
to. For example, he notes that, “The beginning of wisdom is the admission of
one’s own lack of knowledge.”
Today, fifty years on, we have a lot more knowledge,
yet we seem to have less wisdom. Wisdom askes the question, what should we
do? Knowledge asks the question; how can we do
this? without considering the possible consequences. Schumacher was correct
fifty years ago, yet we have not yet acknowledged our lack of knowledge.
Perhaps the most important counsel that Schumacher can
give us in reading his book fifty years on comes in the final sentences of Small
Is Beautiful:
people ask: ‘What can I actually do?’ The answer is as simple as it is
disconcerting: we can, each of us. work to put our own house in order. The
guidance we need for this work cannot be found in science or technology, the
value of which utterly depends on the ends they serve; but it can still be
found in the traditional wisdom of (humanity.)”
Fifty years after I first read this book, I now think
I understand Schumacher’s ideas with greater clarity.
1. E.F. Schumacher, Small Is Beautiful: A Study of
Economics as if People Mattered, Abacus, London, 1974. Previously published
by Blond & Briggs Ltd., Great Britain, 1973
2. William R Catton, Jr., Overshoot: The Ecological
Basis of Revolutionary Change, University of Illinois Press, Urbana and
Chicago, 1982